Kamis, 16 September 2010

Things I missed from you

I don't know you very well. But, a week you fill my day and night is quite enough for me.

Don't ask me why I love you, I'm not that diligent to answer that
Don't ask me to move, cause I'm comfort to have my day and night beside you.
hmm~ you aren't longer stay to fill my day and night, but every second left its memory.

The way you talk to me
The way you told your story
The way you ask me to waking you up in the morning
The way you upset with yourself
The way you get tired and still call me or at least still  text me
The way you laughed
The first time we met
The way you treat me
whoooa! that's so wonderful

Till that day come and screwed my mood off
I never regret to knew you
I'm sorry to loving you so much
I'm sorry if I can't get over you
You just too sweet
You're the one that I'm searching for,maybe

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